Australian Office

Labour standards in Australia

Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, has released a statement in response to a program on Australian television which reported allegations of mistreatment of Working Holiday Makers and other temporary visa holders in Australia. The statement can be found here.

As always, Taiwanese young people who are interested in our working holiday maker visa program can find a wide range of relevant information here. The Australian Office in Taipei works closely with Taiwanese authorities on an ongoing basis to promote the safety and wellbeing of Taiwanese workers in Australia.

We encourage anyone who encounters unfair, exploitative or illegal practices to lodge a complaint with Fair Work Australia, which will investigate complaints free of charge. A free complaint hotline is available at (+61) 13 13 94. A free interpretation service is available at (+61) 13 14 50.

There is no place for exploitative practices in Australian society. All workers in Australia are entitled to the same workplace rights, conditions and rates of pay as Australians; regardless of visa status or nationality. This includes Taiwanese on Working Holiday Maker visas. Workers must be employed according with Australian workplace awards as provided in the Fair Work Act 2009. Conditions and rates of pay differ according to industry. Currently, the national minimum wage for an adult is $16.87 per hour or or $640.90 per 38 hour week (before tax). Casual employees receive additional loadings. Detailed information can be found at Employees should check the terms and conditions of their work before signing any contracts with employers or labour hire companies.